Another entry after last night.ehem.this is not for the second teaser okay.second teaser terpaksa dipostpone dahulu atas sebab musabab yang diharuskan.entry kali ni adalah cetusan dari blog Dena Bahrin about how she get married with someone yang dia langsung tak kenal.How lucky you are, Dena!she is younger than me and now, she already got married.langkah bendul me.Anyway, barakallah sis.May Allah bless your marriage happy ever after.
From her blog, i learnt several thing about love and destiny. Jodoh tu rahsia Allah,kalau couple bagai nak rak macam mana sekalipun dah bukan jodoh,memang tak kemana. That's why la couple is allowed only after marriage.But for those yang tengah bermuram durja berhati kecewa cinta putus ditengah jalan,please take it easy babe. Jangan mengeluh dan jangan menyalahkan takdir atas sesuatu yang berlaku. Allah have a better plan for you. He takes him/her that you love because He knows that him/her is not a right person for you.
Just set in mind that your love story has not been published yet until you find someone right for you. Tak susah pun,tunggu je. Yang penting, for boys please be prepared and for girls please take care of yourself. Allah pasti akan ciptakan satu cerita yang indah yang sangat tak dijangka. Me also still waiting for my love story to be published. so, please don't ask me anymore, 'dah ada calon ke belum?bila nak kawin?' because i don't have the answer. only Allah have that answer.
Owh.almost forgot!another story about my roomate in matriculation. She is getting married!yippie!finally she met with her mr.Right. and getting married on 7th of Syawal. She ask me to become her pengapit.hehe.that's really an honored to me. Congratulations my lovey dovey roomate Nur Zahidah!

tunggu jgn tak tunggu..
BalasPadamhehehe tp jgn la jual mhal sgt
BalasPadamjual mahal?haruslaa supaya tak tersalah pilih.
tapi,kalau jodoh tu dari Allah insyaAllah jual mahal mcm mana pun,msti menjadi jugak.